Hi, I am still here, just fighting off the residual effects of the flu. So, a couple weeks ago, I saw Danny Boyle's Sunshine. I really liked it, except for the lame-O ending. It could have been so much better. But what I really want to mention is the soundtrack that was done by Underworld. I went looking for it, but apparently there is no official soundtrack release. The music was really pretty, kinda ambient. Very fitting for an outer space sci-fi flick. I read a bit, and one of the tracks from the movie can be found on their latest album, Oblivion With Bells. Hopefully, the rest of it will see a regular release. Check out more Underworld here.
Underworld > To Heal
Oh yeah.I really debated seeing that movie cos the reviews were great AND it had my hot hottie mchotterson Cillian Murphy in it. But ugggggh, the subject matter. I don't know how I could get into that without yawning all the way through. So I skipped it at the theatre. One day maybe...
Oh yeah.I really debated seeing that movie cos the reviews were great AND it had my hot hottie mchotterson Cillian Murphy in it. But ugggggh, the subject matter. I don't know how I could get into that without yawning all the way through. So I skipped it at the theatre. One day maybe...
Awful film. You're right though, Underworld worked well.
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