ok, i was feeling very industrious tonight and i put all the cd's that i could fit into the racks. they're all jumbled, no order at all, i really wanted to see what would fit and make a guess on how many more racks i would need to get. behold! note the piles on the right side. i think i need at least two more racks, but i'll probably get three just to be safe.
i'm not sure what made me think of it, but i had julee cruise's "into the night" stuck in my head today. i really can't remember the last time i listened to that song. it was released in 89, so i'm guessing it's been around ten years since i last heard it. christ, the album, "floating into the night", is nearly twenty years old. in any case, that track and a few others were on the twin peaks soundtrack, if you remember that television show.
the song, "into the night", is eerie and haunting. her voice is like a siren singing, beckoning you to your doom. or something. there's this little bit at the beginning of the song where somebody whispers, "now it's dark". i remember that as one of frank's lines in the movie, "blue velvet". david lynch ties it all together. he directed "blue velvet" and "twin peaks", and he wrote the lyrics for julee cruise's debut album, "floating into the night". angelo badalamenti wrote the music for the album, as well as scoring previous lynch films (i'm not sure how many).
there's also this strange video that was done by lynch and badalamenti, called "industrial symphony no. 1: the dream of the broken hearted". it takes places in an empty theater. i can't really describe it, it's so fucking weird. julee cruise is in it, singing a few songs. she sings "rockin back inside my heart" while in the trunk of a car. there's a lot of surreal and fantastic imagery in it. there's one sequence with an eight foot tall deer that looks like it's been skinned alive, walking around on it's hind legs. another vignette has these beat up baby dolls, falling from the sky with parachutes while an air raid siren screams their arrival. seriously, it's some weird shit. if you like lynch, you'll like this.
julee cruise > into the night
Dude, ripping that many CDs would be a major assed nightmare! Do you have much of it ripped or have you not stepped onto that dark path?
The only time I ever really listen to CDs now is in my car. The whole 'jukebox' thing of having everything on the PC is just too tempting for me.
You are NUTZ not to have all those CDs in no order!! What happens is you end up buying things you ALREADY HAVE. (I swear I witnessed you doing this)
girl, you're trippin. when i walk into amoeba, i know exactly what cd's i already have. actually, i've bought a duplicate once. yuka honda's "memories are my only witness". i was getting her newest one, "eucademix", and i saw the other one for cheeeeap. it had been a while since i heard it and i completely spaced out and bought it.
a lot of my stuff is on my computer, but not nearly all. i think i'm running around 13k files right now.
What's your disc count?
And do ever have those purges where you give loads of things to charity shops? I do every now and then, but it's usually because of unbelievable shit that I haven't listened to in 4 or 5 years and would be embarrassed to be associated with. Be Here Now? Play? You get it...
somewhere in the low 2000s. i hear what you're saying and i think about purging, but i can't bring myself to do it...yet.
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