Chatting with a friend last week, and the subject of Depeche Mode came up. I was never a huge fan, but I did like whatever singles I heard. I have to say, however, that Violator is one awesome album. Every track on there is outstanding, but I'd have to say my favorite is Policy of Truth. You can hear the coolly detached tsk-tsk of Dave Gahan's voice as he sings "You will always wonder how it could have been if you'd only lied", proving once again that honesty is not always the best policy. Anyone that tells you otherwise is full of shit.
i've always loved that picture.. is 'violator' really almost 20 years old??!!!!!
YOU WOULD, Rick! ;p
So true, dat, yr last line there. What a song. DM came up a lot this weekend when I put my MP3 player on random. Awesome.
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