
Happy Songs for Happy People

The first time I heard Mogwai, I was at their gig at Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco in 2003. Happy Songs for Happy People had just come out. My then-roomie, Ben, had an extra ticket, he was a fan, so I tagged along with him. The gig was astonishing. I don't think I'd ever heard anything like them at the time. I just stood there enraptured, soaking it all in. The quiet beauty, the wall of noise; it was glorious. I became a disciple that night and I picked up a couple CDs on my way out. I saw them a few more times that decade. They did a great set at Coachella in 2004 (Two Rights Make One Wrong fucking killed), I think it was. Saw 'em a couple times at the Fillmore, once at the Regency and at the Curiosa fest (where they played all 20 minutes of My Father My King).

They kinda lost me with their soundtracks and new direction. Weird, because I love soundtracks. I dunno, maybe I should try again. But yeah, the last album I really loved was 2008's The Hawk is Howling (I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead; holy fucking shit). Oh, and the live album, Special Moves. I lost touch after that. But, man, the love affair was really intense up to then and that Bimbo's gig was probably my fave time seeing them. Listen to Happy Songs for Happy People here, if you're interested.

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