
No Waves

I stumbled upon the Y Axes in the fall of 2018 when Empty Space showed up on a music blog I follow. I hadn't heard of the band before and I remember my interest being piqued because the blurb mentioned that they were from the Bay Area (SUP). So I dutifully clicked and was pleasantly surprised by a refreshing blast of pop music. Seriously, I fell in love right then and there. I played the song a few times and bookmarked their Bandcamp page. Cut to this past June and The Y Axes' No Wave comes and, oh man, it's just pop gem after pop gem. Remember when I said "refreshing blast of pop music?" Okay, now multiply that by ten and you've got No Waves. It's kinda breezy yet still intense; its got hooks for days and it definitely deserves to be in your collection. Also, that album cover is beautiful, just look at it! I've been trying to catch a gig of theirs but haven't made it happen yet. Soon, I hope. You can listen/purchase No Waves here. Totally recommended, y'all.

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