

The following post contains mild spoilers for the film, fyi. 

Midsommar is probably my favourite film of the year. Equally as important, in my mind, is Bobby Krlic's score to the film. You might know him better as The Haxan Cloak. My first encounter with him was his production work on Björk's excellent 2015 album, Vulnicura (listen to it here), but he had been around long before that. In any case, I don't know how he got involved with Midsommar, but his score is gorgeous. Midsommar is a weird film in that much of it is set in daylight (land of the midnight sun) despite it being billed as a horror film. Krlic somehow manages to translate the beauty of the surroundings while simultaneously underscoring the dread that lurks just beneath the surface. The payoff of the final track is dazzling, both in the film and on its own. Combined with the film, it contrasts the horror that's happening onscreen but it also lifts you up as the ritual reaches its zenith. Eye-opening and jaw-dropping, for sure. On its own, the track shimmers, glows and builds over nine and a half minutes of blazing glory. It's so fucking good (I've added it to my end-of-year mix). Do yourself a favour, see the movie (it's available digitally) and listen to the Midsommar soundtrack here.

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